Pub. 15 2022-2023 Issue 2

Young Surveyors Network: FIG Report

UCLS Board,

From May 28-31, I attended the FIG Working Week in Orlando, Florida. The conference was an eye-opening experience that focused on how we can attract the next generation to surveying. There were a lot of great ideas and meetings on how we can accomplish this.

The first I want to mention is Get Kids into Survey®. Get Kids into Survey is a great program that educates young people about the world of survey. During the meeting, Mr. Trent Keenan, the Western Representative for Get Kids into Survey, talked about how surveyors need to learn about the business side of things. He said, “We are not teaching our crews and technicians about the business and how it is run.” In Australia, they are implementing specific Continuing Education Units (CEUs) about business and the importance of the business side of surveying, and there are ways we can sponsor and apply these wonderful applications here in Utah.

We had a dedicated day to the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) and the things NGS has been doing to prepare for the new datum. There were some amazing speakers that discussed where surveying is going and how the new dynamic data is going to work. It was interesting to get a background on how the datum is going to change day to day and year to year. When we establish a coordinate, there will need to be a time stamp that goes with this data, as the coordinate will be changing with the motion of the tectonic plates.

These are only a few of the things that were discussed at the FIG meeting. Overall, the outlook on the surveying profession now and into the future looks great! As technology continues to develop, we are going to need professionals to operate and conduct quality control on the products that are being produced. I am excited to see all the new things that AI and other technologies are going to bring into our profession. I will end with a great quote I heard at the meetings. “The best time to plant a seed was 20 years ago. The next best time to plant a seed is today.” We need to get out in front of all ages if we are going to help get the next generation into surveying.

The YSN has two multi-state campouts coming up this summer. The first is at Angle Lake with the Nevada YSN. To register go to The other activity will be our big multi-state get-together. We will be doing a stellar observation, hiking, games, eating, and networking with Colorado, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, and possibly others. We want all our crew chiefs and technicians to come to these activities. I need the support of the licensed surveyors to help get the crew chiefs and technicians to these activities. It is a great opportunity to learn and network with other young surveyors. Click the link below to register.

Spencer McCutcheon, PLS