Pub. 15 2022-2023 Issue 2

Standards and Ethics Committee

The Standards and Ethics Committee meets every fourth Thursday at 5:00 pm at Meridian Engineering, located at 1628 West 11010 South, Suite 102 in South Jordan, Utah.

Current items of business being discussed by the Committee:

Condominium Model Standards — The Condominium Model Standards were submitted to the Board and approved on April 14, 2023. The new standards can be found on the UCLS website, and we encourage all surveyors in the state to download them and use the document as a guideline when developing condominium plats in the State of Utah. This has been a long process and many hours have been given to get these standards ready for approval. Many thanks to those that have contributed to these standards.

Electronic Filing of Subdivision Plats — On Jan. 1, 2023, the Committee took a proactive approach to work with the counties as they implement their new filing processes.

Complaints About Surveys and Surveyors — Unfortunately, we have been receiving one or more complaints every month. Each complaint is discussed by the Committee to determine the course of action needed to resolve the issue. At times, the issue is a misunderstanding by the person making the complaint, and the Committee contacts the person making the complaint in an attempt to resolve the matter. Other times, the Committee will issue a Letter of Concern to the surveyor, detailing the Committee’s concerns and, if the issue warrants, the Committee forwards the complaint to our DOPL Representative to investigate for possible disciplinary action.

The UCLS has defined the duties of the Committee as:

The principal duties of the Standards and Ethics Committee shall be to review and act on all complaints from surveyors and the general public involving surveying or surveyors’ ethics and to prepare and maintain a Standards of Practice Manual. — UCLS By Laws 3.16.f

Those that would like to be involved in the Standards and Ethics Committee, please let us know and we will send you an agenda for the next meeting or how to connect remotely if you are unable to attend in person.