Pub. 15 2022-2023 Issue 2

Letter from the Editor: Somebody Else

Celebrities often use their charisma to highlight social or environmental movements. The prominent guitarist Jerry Garcia of The Grateful Dead rock band advocated for the preservation of the world’s rain forests, and he spoke with a mixture of candor, humility and sadness about his involvement.

When asked why The Grateful Dead was participating in the environmental movement, Jerry Garcia responded, “Someone has to do something. It’s just incredibly pathetic it has to be us.”

If not me — who?

Allow me to tell you the story about Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody; and how each contributed to an important project.

Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it, and Anyone could have done it, but in the end, Nobody always ended up with the task. When Nobody did it, Somebody was angry because it was Everybody’s job. But Everybody thought that Somebody would have done it instead. Now Nobody realized that Anybody could have done it. So consequently, Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done in the first place.

Now these four were fun, active, busy people who struggled to accomplish things. You see, Everybody had good ideas, but Everybody thought Somebody would follow it through. However, Somebody thought Anybody would work on it. And Anybody thought Everybody should do it. So, Nobody ended up working on it … AGAIN!

The four worked at a firm with Someone Else and were saddened by his passing. Someone Else had been with the firm for many years and had contributed far more than his share. Whenever Anybody mentioned leadership, Somebody always looked to Someone Else for inspiration and results; “Someone Else can do that job!”

When there was a job to do or a need to be filled, Someone Else always volunteered. Everybody knew that Someone Else was the largest contributor of time and money. Whenever there was a financial need, Everybody, Anybody, Nobody and Somebody always assumed that Someone Else would make up the difference. Unfortunately, Someone Else is gone and can no longer be counted on. Thankfully, Nobody can do Everybody’s and Anybody’s work so that Somebody can take credit for the accomplishment.

I’m sure that at some point in time, we are all guilty of having the “somebody else will do it” attitude. You know what I’m talking about — when you don’t do something specifically because you think “someone else will do it.” People make messes, don’t clean up after themselves and don’t speak up for something because, “Oh, someone else will do it so I don’t have to worry.”

Someone else will be a chapter officer, someone else will participate on a committee, someone else will contribute, someone else has more time, or someone else is more qualified.

This mindset comes into play with the Utah Council of Land Surveyors (UCLS). I believe people want to help, but then they often rationalize and assume someone else will do it and/or think they won’t make a difference. If you want to improve the UCLS and the surveying profession, then do it! Don’t wait for someone else to do it. Imagine what we could do if everyone chose to do something instead of leaving it for someone else.

Think of the great people who made change happen. They didn’t wait for someone else to do something. They took matters into their own hands and made it happen.

Do your part in ridding the attitude of “someone else will do it.” Make all the difference you can and encourage others to do the same. Participate in small actions that can — and do — make a difference. Be the someone else you are always talking about, and you’ll be amazed at the difference you will make. Now is a critical time to be someone else and do something — anything!